Your Vibration of Unconditional Love

To create a place of unconditional love, it’s sometimes easier to do this remotely. Your energy fields are not bumping in to each other.

The energy that each of your holds, bumping into each other, you see, feel and sense all of it. So sometimes being remote on your computer systems is very helpful to create a place of unconditional love between brothers and sisters in a circle.

However, when you do meet and your energies entwine, you have the capacity to see the Divinity in all. In everyone, in that one being in front of you.

I am that one you know as Jesus

It’s very special to commune with another, to connect with another in this way. Being in the presence of another being - a human being we’re talking about now - and understanding their energy through your own Divinity is the goal.

As you see the Divinity in another you can accept everyone and everything no matter what they’re holding in their energy field, because that Divinity overrules anything else.

The universal laws gives you humans choice and free-will. You’re allowed to do whatever you please. You can choose the vibration that you want to hold. You can accept into your energy field, anything you wish because you have free-will.

We’re talking about multi-dimensional reality here.

We’re not talking about your senses whether you choose to hear something or not, because your ears cannot be closed. And this is something that fuels your lovely ego mind – you hear everything, you cannot close them off. Your eyes too, you see everything, you can shut them, but your mind remembers the images that you see. Patterns form and filing system of your beautiful mind, body complex is added to and added to and things become habit.

On a multi-dimensional level Divinity is within everybody.

You may describe it as light but it’s actually unconditional love.

How much you feel and how much you know is what your VIBRATION is all about.

Staying in your lovely 3D reality, maybe you’re having a beautiful life, all your experiences, the ups and downs. This is the vibration of the 3D reality – using all your senses; ears and eyes, smell and taste, feeling your body and that of another.

As you become more in-tune with your higher self more love comes in to you and you feel your vibration rise. You give and receive love more freely because it is a sense within you that your ears, eyes and feeling body cannot explain – it’s a knowing.

The 5th dimension is a place where love flows into you, where it’s absolute. Where the conscious mind completely understands and knows who you are on planet earth and who you are in your multi-dimensional reality. It’s a knowing. It can and cannot be explained. Some of your esoteric teachings try to do this but it’s an experience. And without that experience you cannot explain. All your books, all your videos try their hardest to explain what that is and where you’re going on your ascension journey. But it’s a feeling inside you, a deep knowing and understanding of your true self

The way to get there is to see Divinity in everyone, in everything in every place. And whilst that might be hard at times ask your ego mind to focus on this in every situation. If you’re mind wanders just bring your ego mind back to seeing Divinity, experiencing Divinity in all.

And your mind will get into that habit, it’s practice, it’s a very good practice. It’s an essential practice for your ascension.

I am that one you know as Jesus.

I come to help. Raise your vibration dears, see Divinity in all. And you will benefit hugely. Ask me and I’ll stand at your side whenever you call.

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Divine Consciousness Within You


Divinity in Everyone