I Am Kirsty
Just like you, my life has been an adventure of many experiences and learnings. I wouldn’t change a thing. I have followed my intuition to develop, with every single and varied experience - to know what it is to be a multi-dimensional being, living a human life, of continual growth and expansion.
My journey truly began when living in Morocco…
‘Sh*t! There is a God!’
One day I was walking across a square, moaning in my head about someone. My feet suddenly stopped and I was rooted to the spot! Then I fell like a tree, straight to the ground, face first!
My first thought - ‘ Sh*t! There is a God! ’
I remember it so well. I’d rejected my Catholic upbringing for one of non-belief and this was my first awakening. From that point on everything changed. I have no doubt that I was guided to Morocco to learn, experience and heal many parts of my psyche.
The Loud Message of “London”
After four and a half years in Morocco, the continual sound of London was in my mind.
My guides were calling me back home to London to my next adventure. When I finally accepted that I had to get back to London somehow, the perfect job arrived!
Universally aligned Magic!
The reconstruction & community development of a Georgian walled garden was a roller coaster of a journey - both as a job and spiritually - and I adored it.
It was hard work and long hours
But it was there that I first met the fairies!
Amongst other, there were mischievous, playful elves living in the apple trees, who were very active when it rained. Spirits from the original garden (1770s) started telling their stories too and asking for some help. Figures from history linked to the landscape began communicating too.
And I was guided to release souls to the Light, who were still stuck on the earth plane after their passing.
Training & Development
Becoming a Reiki Master was the gate opener for me. From here I moved in many different directions of learning and development.
I became a Reyad Sekh Em practitioner, an ancient Egyptian based philosophy of healing.
My love of plants and the natural world extended as I became a Plant Spirit Healer, connecting to the sentient beings of the plant kingdom and creating powerful Tincture and Essences when guided to do so.
I was also opened up to Shamanic practices from the Americas. Ancient techniques to enable us to work with spirit guides of all persuasions in the etheric planes.
I was further guided, by a number of personal experiences, to train in Spirit Release.
I was working in other realms
… when I came to realise, that without full collaboration, my clients were not fully discovering and integrating their healing. Their journeys were more passive.
And so, I developed a multi-dimensional and interactive healing method.
I was being drawn to hypnotherapy, because unknown to me at the time, I was using hypnosis techniques in my healing sessions.
Whilst searching for Hypnotherapy training, past life regression kept popping up. And I knew absolutely that this was, and still is, my calling.
I am now a Transformational Regression Therapist
Transformation and integration of our experiences are vital for our empowerment, sovereignty and expansion
Today we can connect on the multi-dimensional planes, anywhere in existence
My purpose is to help you to integrate all of your experiences, bringing you to a higher vibration and therefore more happiness and love in your life.
See my offerings to you and let me know what resonates.