Divine Consciousness Within You

Any unhelpful energies in your system can be destroyed, transmuted. dissolved by looking at your feeling body and seeing where the blockages are.

One by one you can look at these uncomfortable feelings, look at these distressing thoughts in your feeling body as you describe them in your mind.

Your mind wants you to keep safe and secure and will not want you to explore. Love your mind, pacify your mind as you are safe in God’s hands.

You can go into the feelings, you can go into the blockages in your body complex and one by one remove the layers, like peeling an onion.

For your mind will be pacified by this, each time you deal with a feeling you calm your mind – your mind will feel safe. And as you go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole and dissolve those thoughts that have created the feeling, your mind will become calmer and calmer. You will become more tranquil, nothing will disturb you.

Any unhelpful energies (in your energy field) will no longer resonate with you and dissolve. At the source of all knots and tangles, blocks, thoughts and feelings is Divine Source energy – love

You will receive more and more love as you untangle and dissolve what it is you’ve been doing to yourself.

The funnel of the Divine wisdom coming into you will widen – you will have more knowledge of who you are – your true Divine self as you dissolve these knots and tangles.

It’s all within you – the tangles and Divine consciousness.


Which one do you choose?

The answer is easy to have a blissful, beautiful, manifesting life from Divine consciousness.

Look at tangles, look at the confusion, look at the stress, look at those feelings you have inside – you’re not good enough, you’re not caring enough, you don’t devote enough time to a pursuit.

It’s all in your mind.

Each one of these blocks and tangles is easy to dissect – let the loving Divine consciousness from its core expand to reveal the layers of what your mind has been doing to you.

I am speaking to you from consciousness

I am energy and love

I have no name, I have no labels

I am pure Divine consciousness, I am everything.


I am that one you know as Jesus

This being is going through great transformation and so are all of you.

As you go deeper and deeper inside your mind you realise that it is not the truth

You realise that it is your ego mind a construct of this world that you live in.

You must go in and dissect from your body mind complex these erroneous thoughts – this is not who you are.

Drop all your knowledge, drop all your fake personalities

Drop all the books

Drop everything from your mind – the future, the past

It is not you

You are divine consciousness

I am there with each and every one of you

As I am you and you are me

Although there is no you and me, we are all one.

I’ll be at your side if you call, if this is helpful for you to trust and believe, then I will be there.

This being is feeling an urgency of transformation.

This urgency is her own Divinity that she’s translating to urgency

But it is not. It’s the emergence of Divinity within. It may feel urgent but all is now, there is no urgency in fact, because that relates to time and there is only now.

This essential being, the essence of who you are is Divinity itself.

Your body mind complex cannot comprehend this

You have to experience it.

And you go inside to do this….

The example of believing that you are the sky, your thoughts as the clouds passing by, is a very good example of understanding who you are – you are the observer watching your thoughts.

Concentrate on your breathing and the feelings in your body mind.

Do not explore your mind, explore the feelings.

I am that one you know as Jesus

Ask for my help, I’ll be at your side when you do.


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Advice About Meditation & Self-Judgement


Your Vibration of Unconditional Love