Divinity in Everyone
This one is bringing through wisdom for everybody. And it will benefit you greatly to read these posts.
I am that one you call Jesus
Today in your society, you have many things taking place – confusion, anger, fear over politics, especially where this one lives in England, and you too in the United States where there appear to be tyrants.
But my dears, you have no idea why these beings have come to earth
You have no idea their lessons
You have no idea their purpose
You have no idea the contracts they made with many souls before they arrived on earth
And when you take this into account, how then can you judge?
What you need to do is to acknowledge this to be the case.
They are here for purpose, their own purpose. The lessons they decided to experience on earth was arranged with ascended masters, teachers and guides and probably some of you too.
So acknowledge this. And this should help you to see a different perspective of what’s going on.
You cannot judge. And consider this. You cannot judge anyone.
You have no idea why they are here and therefore nobody should be judging you either.
You should find strength in these messages even though you will not know the lessons you’re here to learn – you’ve forgotten.
If you’re centred in the here and now, connected with your Divine Source, your higher self, and you follow your intuition and those subtle messages from guides and teachers – then you are on your way to learning your lessons, and experiencing what you need to experience - what your higher self wants to experience, what Source energy wants to experience through you.
You are Divine, you are all individually special.
Judgement is the ego mind
And every singles person’s judgement is different from the others’. Sharing these judgements, these opinions adds fuel to the fire when you gossip. Just remember dears.
Yes, you came to earth for the polarised reality of this 3D world, to experience it, all of it - many incarnations, over and over, you have experienced more and more, learnt lessons, great wisdoms, skills. And many of you have developed your connection to your higher self one way or another, whether this life or another life.
And this is all on purpose. Through millennia, this day has been known. Your day, this day, has been known to us. All your higher selves can see where you’re going, you’re future and what’s happening on earth.
The light and dark that you discuss in your esoteric learnings and teachings does exist, of course it does. But some have gone too far in relating who is light and who is dark.
Look at any one of your political figures and you will have an opinion, you will have a judgement upon them. And I want you to remember these are Divine beings, these humans come from Source energy.
Most are highly advanced souls who have decided to come to earth in this time to show the polarisation of light and dark so that you see it within yourself. So that you learn lessons, so that you experience and gain the wisdom for yourselves.
Do not judge. Move yourself away from your own opinions and remember the Divinity in all. No matter what they look like, what they’re saying or doing, where they are, the colour of their skin – you all have opinions and you must look at these.
All souls are Divine
How much they have remembered their Divinity is none of your business.
Do not judge yourself either about how much Divinity is within you, because it is (within), you are wholly Divine in every moment.
I am that one you know as Jesus
Take a step back, imagine all the beings on earth and their Divine Light shining so bright. This will help raise the consciousness on earth. Remember every human being is Divine. And this will help you understand more of your own Divinity.
You can call me any time. I’ll be there at your side when you do.