Your Akashic Records are in your Cells

I am that one you know as Jesus

This Divine being does not realise how vast she is, and neither do you.

There are many rememberings to take place in all of you -

Previous incarnation where you’ve worked hard & processed and had many experiences, here on earth and other planets. All these experiences can come to you if your let it.

Your conscious mind thinks this is a complicated process but it isn’t my dears.

Just let it, trust it, believe it.

This one, as well as all of you, are in your conscious mind too often to do this.

But you all know this (the memories inside).

Your personalities give you clues all the time – what are you interested in? What is driving you? What excites you? What’s inspiring you?
There are many beings on this side of the veil who are sending you many messages of inspiration to help you to develop your skills - as well as your own skills that you have inside your DNA, your cells, the water too is a memory of earth.

The combination of DNA, the life force energy in your cells - the Divine energy in your cells - AND the water, is an incredible combination for you to tap into.

You are a walking library, a living library. You’re so called ‘akashic records’ are inside you.

The streams of love coming from your soul, your higher self, is helping to activate these cells. Your cells – all your cells – to remember who your truly are.

It’s only in the stillness of your mind that you can investigate.

And this being knows that A Course in Miracles can help do that.

As every day is taken up with your work, and activities and your doing - your conscious mind is racing. And so we’d like you to be more peaceful in your mind so that you can receive the inspirations, including FROM YOUR OWN BODY

Consider this. Your cells, your higher self initiating a reaction within your cells. so that you remember something. I don’t mean from this world of education. I mean your true self, your larger self, your soul.

You’re all capable of channelling, you’re all capable of bringing forward your galactic and psychic skills to help other beings on earth to awaken, to realise their own skills.

And this is the path to 5th dimensional ascension.

Once you know more of who you are, the light inside you is brighter, your vibration is higher and this is part of your remembering. This is a natural thing to happen inside of you. You just need to quiet your mind. Your lovely ego mind – and it’s not the enemy.

There are many writings to help you, to inspire you to go inside. Watch your video channels to help you too. And be inspired to visit the information held in your body, your ‘akashic records’, to know who you truly are - galactic, universal, never ending, magnificent beings.

I am that one you call Jesus

I am by your side whenever you call – I will help you

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Divinity in Everyone


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