Why you don't feel good enough
I am that one you know as Jesus
Through your life many programmes encourage you to feel that you’re not good enough. This pops up in many situations in your life, all through your life.
And it’s a programme, a belief that you have to deal with inside.
Encouraging words from life coaches on the internet can help you for a moment to realise how beautiful you are. You’ll be encouraged and your mind electrified with renewed determination and empowerment.
And this is all good my dears, but it’s all in your 3D conscious mind. The answer to your search for empowerment and feeling good enough is inside you.
There will be programmes running based on your memories and experiences that have caused you to feel lack within yourself.
There may be previous incarnations too that are influencing you – only if you did not learn the lesson of the experience last time. Not feeling good enough, in whatever scenario is usually this life – this life experience:
Someone has put you down. Someone has shown you how it looks and feels to be unworthy - as a child you have soaked this up, and it becomes part of your own experience, and this is not yours. But this programme is running in our mind
So dears, you need to investigate. You need to go in, deeper than your conscious mind to find out why you feel you’re not good enough.
Do not push this feeling down.
Yes, it’s probably been with you for a very long time, probably from childhood and you’re so used to pushing it away and down inside yourself that you might not even recognise that that is the problem – that you feel you’re not good enough.
This glimpse of that feeling, so, so subtle in your body, a glimpse of that programme running in your mind can be a split second.
And you must catch it. You must catch it to be able to dissect it.
Just take a little time and have a look at what it is.
What were you thinking just before? What was happening jus before this flashed before your eyes that you don’t feel good enough? Your mind races at an incredible speed, faster than you’re aware of. Your thoughts are out of your conscious mind quicker than you’re consciously aware of them. Catching these thoughts is difficult.
And this is why you have to be in the here and now.
And you will discover these erroneous thoughts - these programmes running – far quicker, far easier and they will be far clearer in your mind and your body, maybe even in your words too.
When you catch them look at them clearly in a relaxed place in a stress-free environment. Although you are capable of dissolving such programmes in any environment and quickly.
Just get through the layers and you will reach the source of where it’s all come from. It may be multiple experiences but there will be the source – the 1st time that you experienced something to believe you’re not good enough.
It may be at school, it may be at home, it may be with your friends. It may be, for women especially, looking through magazines in childhood, seeing the beautiful models and knowing you look nothing like them.
Just to go through the layers as if you’re peeling an onion. Watch for the trigger bringing up the ‘I’m not good enough’ sensation in your body and mind. You have to be absolutely conscious in the here and now to catch it all, but you can.
Find those triggers, be happy that they arrived. It’s one more programme that you can dissolve, to be free, to embody more and more of your higher self, as you cut out these filters to receiving the Divine messages, inspirations and experiences from beyond your 3D world.
I am that one you know as Jesus
Call on me. I’ll stand at your side whenever you ask. I am here for you, I will help you