You are a Light Body
All the cells in your body around 70 trillion of them all contain consciousness, they are all alive, they are all working for your body as a whole.
Each single cell is part of the mass consciousness of your body, its own universe
Every single cell contains Divine consciousness at its core.
It can’t be alive without it. Just as your spirit is in your body, your body cannot be alive without it.
Spirits come into little babies just before they are born.
You arrived in your body just before your were born, you may have been in and out in the womb, but you arrived fully, just before your birth. Otherwise your body wouldn’t not have survived. Your body cannot survive without YOU.
Therefore every single cell, 70 trillion cells in your body, contain Love Consciousness and they cannot survive without it. Each single cell IS its own universe. All it’s working; mitochondria, water, molecules, its nucleus etc… Each cell is doing its duty to be part of the whole.
Just like you, you are an essential part of the whole.
Just like you, you are an essential cell in the universe
You are not your body
Each cell contains an essence of God Source, the same as you.
You are part of God Source energy and therefore you are all one.
If you remove the thoughts of the medical establishment – muscles and tissues etc, labelled and named as many different things, in many different cultures, including the ancient mysteries – at the source of all of it is consciousness.
Consider your body as a Light body
Because the Divine is within every cell. To consider this further, there is a little complication,
All your thoughts and memories, the programmes, beliefs and filters are also stored in your body – not just the brain part of your body, but the whole of your body, in your cells.
Each cell can hold a memory, a part of a memory.
And consider this
As your spirit self competes against the programmes and the beliefs that you have absorbed, mostly not your fault, you battle against them to become the majestic being that you are, SO IS EACH CELL.
Each cell wants to be pure consciousness, functioning as it needs to, but pure consciousness without any interruptions, without any erroneous thoughts and memories
Pure as a new born baby – pure Divine Source energy
This is why your Chakra system is important & helpful. Because memories are in your body – memories of emotions, programmes etc and you can focus upon your chakras to find out where they are. Which cells, which millions of cells are holding those memories? Cleans and clean those little universes, transmute energy to God Source energy.
And this is what it means to be a light body.
You already are
There are just a few tweaks to take place.
So when you sit in meditation, allow thoughts to flow by, be in your feeling body, appreciate every cell – you’d be here for a long time if you did it individually.
Consider yourself as a Divine Light body, consciousness in every cell, in every molecule.
Every cell contains 2 million to 3 trillion molecules and those molecules are part of earth, and therefore part of Gaia and therefore part of God Source.
It’s a vast universe, and exciting universe, just think about all the knowledge that each one of those cells contains because it has a direct link to Source.
This is Jesus
I’ll always be at your side, just call me and I can help
And this is what I understood about my own body – I am Source, each cell is Source. A God given body if you like.