The 'I AM'
I wonder how often you say I AM during the day?
And what does it mean to you?
I am a taxi driver, I am a bricklayer, I am … your job
Are you?
What is the I AM?
In western society you use ‘I am’ as the start of a label for yourself, and it is limiting.
When you say ‘I am’, you are limiting your experience to the label you put upon yourself. I am happy, I am depressed, I feel sad therefore I am sadness.
Sometimes this is helpful to recognise emotions in your body and put the label to it – I am depressed. And therefore to accept and acknowledge the feeling and go right into it to find the source & the cause, in a very gentle and loving way to yourself. Your mind can’t think through this – this is a meditative approach.
And we realise that when there is depression and sadness we appreciate that it’s hard to get into a meditation to look deeper into those emotions and feelings.
So avoid them in the first place if you can by understanding the I AM and the label you put upon yourselves.
I am depressed is limiting.
Your beautiful minds have an idea of what depression means, from your own experience and past. And it is putting all those blocks and layers in the way and bringing them to the forefront of your now moment – and therefore you are creating.
If you, on the other hand, sit with the feeling - and try very hard not to label it - simply go with the feeling.
Now, ‘I am depressed’, when you say it to yourself, you are considering your body, your body mind complex – that beautiful Divine machine holding the essence of your multi-dimensional self.
And who is this multi-dimensional self? - That essence of God Source – could you call it depressed in any way? No.
That is simply your body mind complex in that moment that you’ve labelled and caused filters in your funnel, let us say, of receiving the Divine wisdom.
And so, in your feeling body, when you experience a feeling – WHO OR WHAT IS OBSERVING?
You could say it’s your mind, the brain part of your mind, recognising there’s a feeling in your body – or is it something else?
The I AM presence is the observer
When in meditation and you experience a vision, let’s say, who is observing?
When you observe yourself in the mirror, who is observing?
Even though your mind may be making decisions and judgements about how you look, who is observing?
This is why it’s important to be in the NOW because you will realise that it’s not your mind that observes anything. Your mind purely calculates and creates thoughts from your past experience on this earth. It is not the observer.
A new born baby will delight at the image in the mirror, laughing and giggling at themselves as they see themselves for the first time – pure delight, because they do not see a body. They are, to an extent, observing the observer in the mirror, although that is truly not possible because you are always the observer, no matter if you can see yourself or not, therefore the I AM is the observer – and who is the observer?
It is of course, your Divine essence.
Your eyes are used in many ways, to experience this world but they also help you to add labels to yourself and create erroneous thoughts too.
To be able to look into the mirror and see your Divine self, past your body, is where we want you to be.
And therefore, able to see others as their Divine selves. As every human on earth is their own observer of their experience.
And so limiting yourself to saying I AM a hairdresser…. are you? Of course not, you are a Divine aspect of the God Creator and this is who you are.
So be careful my dears when your say I am a…, I am on…, I am with…
Be careful how you use the I AM
Do not limit yourself to labels and be conscious of when you say I AM
People have said that there’s a big I and a little i.
And you could relate this to your mind thinking - the little ‘i’
or to the majestic, the enormous power that you are from the Universe and Source itself – the big ‘I’
And we want to mention that once you grasp this you will stop saying he is… she is…. understanding your labelling system from your ego mind, that are filters only from your own experience.
You are Divine beings, you are precious in this universe, each one of you. To know who you are is to remember and say to yourself that you are Divine.
I AM an aspect of God
I AM a majestic and powerful creator
I AM creating my own loving and beautiful experience
I AM connected to all things
I AM …
I am that one you know as Jesus
This being is finding it funny that I’m saying I AM
I am part of God Source creation, the same as you. I am much bigger than Jesus, this is an aspect of who I am.
Call on me any time and I’ll stand next to you to help you
Be in the I AM essence every moment