The Time to go Inside

Many of you believe that the Veil is thin at this time of the year – Samhain, Halloween – and so it is. Partly because of the mass conscious awareness of the BELIEF that this is true. And partly because it is, and can be at any time for you.

Today is a day to focus on Light

The festival of Halloween has been changed somewhat from the old times to one of death, devils and blood. Be careful my dears with the energies you take in – death, devils and blood, or Light

The child dressing up as superman going out collecting sweets is different from covering the child’s face in blood and taking about evils- bogie-man. ghosts and darker vibrational beings.

And you too, be careful what you watch – if you’re still watching TV, and what comes through on Facebook.

You’ll feel inside, your feeling body, the changes inside if you look at the death and destruction type images at Halloween. You’ll know it’s not right, you’ll feel it in your body. Dismiss these images and do not dwell on them.

You’re all Light Beings and this is what to focus upon today – Halloween

A time of change as your seasons change.

You know this through your years on earth, and just accept that your season are changing. This is a time over the next few months for you to retreat a little more inside yourselves.

This is the celebration of what Halloween was about, that you’re more inside your houses with family and friends, cultivating that bond between you.

And where there are people there are triggers.

These are things to look at within yourself, this is what this time was about – triggers are positive. Triggers are helpful. It makes your journey easier to look at what the trigger is causing within you, what’s arising?

This is more a time of hibernation for the plant and animal kingdoms as they too calm themselves and retreat a little.

So this is a good time to look at judgements and beliefs and programmes. And be with your friends and family who will undoubtably rock your boat in some way – it’s all very positive.

You may have heard from the Lotus Crew recently from this being’s friend (Christina Heiniger) that this is a time of changing energies when you really MUST go inside and deal with those last programmes and unhelpful thoughts that are keeping you smaller than you are.

As you change one small thing, change and transmute one small thing, your container, your Divine self expands to bring in more Light, more of the essence of who your truly are – it is that simple. The unconditional love pouring into you is constant. And as you deal with your issues of your programmed mind you are more conscious of receiving more and more Divine Love. And your heart is filled and your heart expands and you become more and more blissful in every moment

This important work that you are doing for yourself is for humanity too

You show others your Divine Light and being, and they are inspired, maybe not consciously but something inside them can be triggered and pushed in to wanting the Light within themselves. And they will want to know how

More and more souls are awakening and you’re here to help them by shining your own Light – no opinions or judgements on others, just BE and shine your Light.

I am that one you know as Jesus

You can call me any time, and I will be with you a your side

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You are a Light Body


Advice About Meditation & Self-Judgement