Advice About Meditation & Self-Judgement

I am that one you know as Jesus

Meditating is a very important thing for your to do. It puts you more in touch with your Divine self and lets you feel your body and anything that’s out of whack.

You can imagine in any way you like – Divinity in the breath, Divinity coming into your heart as a light brightening. You can imagine Divinity coming through the crown of your heard because it all is. Divinity comes through the souls of your feet too.

And you are Divinity

You can imagine anything you like to help you to get into a meditative state. And when you are there, let your thoughts float by like clouds – pacify your wonderful ego mind that you’ll deal with them later. Its all good, just let your thoughts float by and be still.

When you are still you are grounded, because you are in the now. That moment of galactic now where everything is possible. You can have answers to questions come to you, you can have beings come channelling through you

You can focus on a part of your body where there is dis-comfort and peel the layers to find out why it’s there, without your delicious mind controlling what’s going on. And I say again – It’s not the enemy.

Your chakra energy centres – you can focus on these too, if this helps you to relax and calm, as you focus on something else other than your thoughts.

It doesn’t matter how you get to the still point.

The STILL POINT is the place you want to be in your waking life too. That place of Divinity, calm, and your intuition, your connection to your higher self flows easily through the whole of your being - the still point.

You can be walking or running but still be in the place that we are calling the ‘still point’.

It’s all about calming your mind so that it can be engaged when you need it and not telling you what to do in every moment. It feels like the place where you go to in meditation, where everything is quiet inside you.

Your mind is chock-a-block of information, knowledge that you’ve gained in this life time. And it wants to control your every movement from your experience so far. We want you to turn it around the other way so that you are controlling your mind. It has to be calmed and to do this you have to look at the programmes and beliefs held inside.

It will continue to judge until you do this. The judgement comes from a belief system.

So watch your judgements, they’re very subtle. Do not push them down as you know that you are not supposed to judge as a spiritual being,. Do not push them away, that you shouldn’t be doing it – accept that you are (judging) and face it full on, because every time you do this you’ll find a belief and then that belief is to be dis-solved as no longer serving you, no longer helpful, no longer appropriate.

And your mind may fight because it wants to keep you safe. So pacify your mind, love it, be gentle to your mind and yourself.

Do not judge the judgement. There is a point where you can judge the judgement and observe it – who is the observer? This is your divine self observing.

And we want you to get to the point of being the Observer consistently. Your Divine self flows from that still point and your exercise of meditation pulls you closer to that point every time.

You may see roses in a garden and what we want you to do is accept the rose in its fullness, its Divinity and the joy that it brings you by simply being. Do not judge the rose – what colour it is, how straggly it is, how tall it is – it just IS.

The rose is at a still point constantly. Its just does what it does being a rose. And look at your opinions about the rose – do you prefer that it was a different colour? Well this my dears is judgement, when you hold them and discuss them within yourself, look at where these came from. Maybe from your grandmother’s rose garden, where your preferred colour was.

Something as simple as this is still a judgement. And as roses, accept all human beings, and galactic brothers and sisters too if you can, as the rose – they just ARE, they are being the Divine self. No judgement, no opinions.

Being in the hear and now, mindful of your senses in every moment helps you to open yourself up to Divine Consciousness and examine your mind in every moment too.

Being mindful can also let the judgements rush in so you can see them. Because you’re alert and aware, they will come flooding in and just take them one by one and have a look.

 I am that one you know as Jesus

You are all beautiful roses blooming more and more magnificently.

I’ll stand at your side if you call me.

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The Time to go Inside


Divine Consciousness Within You