One Small New Choice Changes your Vibration
Every single choice you make is related to the past
This can be hard to believe. It’s only because your mind has decided certain things and your body has decided certain things - and you repeat, your choices are the same.
This one makes coffee in the morning although she’s prefer to have lemon water – why does she not do it? Because these choices are in a pattern that flow through the body and mind. And when they are so regular – patterns that have taken place over years - it’s difficult to let them go.
Making coffee in the morning is a choice, yes it is. But why is it difficult to make another choice and make THAT the regular pattern?
Because your mind and your body need to dissolve the pattern from the past before you can integrate a new pattern.
And this is very difficult for many of you – to change habits.
Think about a time in your day when you’re working as clockwork – your alarm goes off at a certain time, you automatically move to the kitchen, you automatically move to the shower, you automatically get dressed – it’s all clockwork – do you always put your socks on first?
These are choices that are programmed in your mind & your body unconsciously - you’re not consciously aware that you’re doing the same things over and over.
And at the same time you may also be thinking, while you’re in your clockwork mode, of what you need to do today - who you need to meet, the to-do list, where you need to be at certain times. Equally the future does not exist - you are only in the now moment.
When your body’s behaving like clockwork you believe you have the faculties and facilities to think about your day. But your energy is being used in your clockwork motions, both mind and body, and these are related to the past. Your future thinking of your day is the future that does not exist and neither does the past.
What do you need to be in the NOW moment? What do you need to change? What better choices can you make for yourself In your Now moment ?
This is not easy
You do have to concentrate on the NOW moment of what is going on in your body and mind. And you do need to be conscious of the movements, the thoughts, the patterns and change the network of your mind – your brain – the neural network of your magnificent brain.
To make conscious choices is not to change everything in your life. It’s to change those things you want to change.
This one know that coffee in the morning is not the best choice but it has been programmed in her mind for so may years it’s hard to break the habit. And your mind, her mind, is so intensely programmed to do this task it’s hard to let go and do something new.
Your ego mind is not happy to do new things and this is why it takes a while to re-programme for a healthier choice, an abundant choice, a nourishing choice for your health and wellbeing and for those around you.
When you’re aware of how your body mind system is working and creating - your outside world from your inside world – then you can make the choice to change.
You can make the choice NOW to acknowledge your inner patterns. No matter how small it appears – making coffee in the morning is a good example – something so small.
What small change can you make today to stop you being in a pattern of your clockwork motions?
The reason for doing this (clockwork patterns) is that your mind and body complex are in homeo-status, in a drift of sameness. This sameness is using your energy, this sameness is projecting your vibration/frequency out into your world, and out in to the Universe, and it stays the same if you are in constant patterns – and you WILL stay the same..
Spiritual practices over a period of time will help change some of your patterns. BUT, all your little unconscious choices (clockwork) add up to making those rare moments of personal growth a one-off experience - your vibration naturally goes back to homeo-status, your normality of your vibration. And so your world stays the same – your outer world, your inner world stay the same.
Chose to do something different. Encourage yourself knowing that this small change will nourish you, and benefit you, and take to on a better journey.
Make a small change today
See how your body feels as you do this. And the next day see how your body feels because your mind will be trying to get back to homeo-status, normality.
You will feel the urge not to continue with your change because your body mind does not like new things. This is a natural human state (unfortunately) and you must get over it. Realising this is happening will help you
I am that one you know as Jesus
I am always at your side to help you. Call me for some Divine inspiration to make those small changes that you ca make that will benefit you so greatly.