New Earth
I am that one you know as Jesus
One very important thing that I taught you in my life - my death and return was the state of consciousness one needs to be able to grasp and understand what’s going on with the material, who you are as a soul spirit and who I was
I died, my body died, and the spirit of my being created a new body that the bible calls resurrection. My body did not rise from the dead, that body was dead, I created a new one.
What happened to that body, the first one, you may ask and that’s a very interesting question BUT, of no consequence – it’s only the body
This one is still in a meditative state after seeing a burnt and destroyed earth, whilst the sun is still projecting and shining around that dead blackened earth. She’s disturbed that the human race will destroy planet earth. But there is a part of her inside that knows that it’s not what it seems.
So what does this mean?
It means that Gaia, mother earth can create herself again if she wishes. She can leave the materiel world behind completely if she wishes and of course that’s not going to happen right now – she (unconditionally) loves the human race and all the provisions needed for your survival as a human.
This one also saw (in meditation) that she (Gaia) actually does create a new earth - a lush and vibrant earth in its pristine form with no destruction. A beautiful fulfilling environment for humans to continue to live upon.
Now the question is does she herself (Gaia) move from one matter earth to another, creating another? Or have humans destroyed the earth so she must move to a new body, so to speak?
This will bring up fears my dears - the destruction of planet earth – all living beings upon it destroyed and black (from decay), no life, no spirit in any part of it.
Now ask yourself, as you know you are not your body, do you think it’s possible that all sentient life chooses to leave (earth), all at the same time? – plants, animals, insects, even the consciousness of your soil, rocks and crystals.
Without life of the spirit, there is no life within the matter.
Could this happen? Indeed it could.
Why will it happen? ….
Now the fear this brings up - you must look at.
This is your understanding of death. What programmes and beliefs are running about death? You know you are a sentient being, you know you are soul above your body. Where is the fear coming from?
Is there one earth? This is a very good question.
There are many earths
The Universe is multi-dimensional and so you can move between different resonances of planet earths, different experiences within planet earth that merges with your own multi-dimensional self. She is multi-dimensional too, as are all sentient beings. There is not one reality. There are numerous amounts of realities.
So this one has seen a blackened and dead earth but she has also seen the creation of a new earth as viewed from space. Which dimension do you choose to be in? - Destructive dead earth or a highly evolved one?
There are some deep considerations (for you) here, whether you understand multi-dimensionality or not.
Your simple choice is to raise your consciousness in tandem with Gaia or you choose that when it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go, and not be concerned.
Your next incarnation – which dimension of earth will you be born in to?
I am that one you know as Jesus
This is a pivotal moment in your history. The destructive forces of fear are coming to an end and you must deal with any fear in your body mind complex for your outer world to change. Ask me, call me and I’ll be at your side.