Become More Conscious

You believe you’re not connected and you are

You’re always connected.

And many messages that we bring through to you about your divine self, your higher self, your spirit guides, your teachers and all of us are to help you BELIEVE that you are connected, you’re always connected,

How connected you actually are starts with your birth

As a little one you do remember, not everything, but you do have connection, stronger than comes in later years. As a little baby you arrive to experience the polarised world of earth. Your connection is very strong. But as you grow more and more belief systems and programmes enter your conscious mind, your every day mind, and so you start believing other things.

And so dear ones we come to tell you, to make you BELIEVE and trust that you’re connected FULLY with God Source. You ARE connected.

How much of that connection you feel in your every day life is another matter.

All your running programmes, all your belief systems cloud the way. Cloud the understanding to that connection, cloud the connection to who you really are.

You believe you’re something else.

We’ve talked at other times about masks you wear in social company and then when you’re with yourself you can be absolutely miserable.

What programme is running my dear?
These are the little things you have to go in and sol, dis-solve

For more and more Light to enter your body and for you to be consciously aware of it this is the process you need to go through – knock down and clear those filters.

Your ego mind is not the enemy, it’s a marvellous tool. It helps you keep safe, it helps you to learn, it helps you to evaluate your experiences and it holds all your memories of this life, for you to go in and investigate for you to go in an investigate – it really is a marvellous tool, it is not the enemy.

And this is what you need to do. Go inside each time you feel uncomfortable in your feeling body and ask yourself - What is it? What programme is running here? What belief system to I have about myself? It’s always about yourself, not about anybody else.

And then what’s under those feelings?

You feel sad, why do you feel sad? Because someone said something, so what’s that trigger?

They said they didn’t like your hair, so what’s wrong with your hair? Why is it so important? Etc etc

Go in and in and in and find the source of the beliefs and the programmes that have been gathered through your life from the influences in your lie; the people and society.

And slowly, slowly, as you knock away those filters more and more Divine essence will come in to you - God Source, and you will be more CONSCIOUS of it. Lead your every day life in the NOW.

Be aware of everything you do, every move you make. And as you do this, this will become a habit, as opposed to the other controlling habits that you’ve had. And you will consciously be aware of the divine connection within you consciously being AWARE of it – the messages that are coming through  all the time, the nudges, the little reminders, the synchronicities, the déjà vu, the dreams – you become more and more conscious of them coming  in to you  and what they mean. Maybe they mean – look at another filter, maybe they mean – look at a memory, the emotional resistance around your memories – the programming

It goes deep my dears, it goes very deep.

But this is nothing to be afraid of, it’s only you after all

And we can help - call on your spirit guides, your loved ones, the angels to see clearly with that ALL SEEING eye. You can’t think through this, you have to feel it and use your mind to explore your own self, your memories and emotions.

Bless the triggers – these make it easier

Bless the person who gave it to you – it makes it a lot easier

And be at peace my dears

I am that one you call Jesus

I’m always here with you, always here to help, always here to nudge you in the right direction

You are blessed beings





Life and Death


Your Purpose for Being Here