Your Purpose for Being Here
A message from Jesus
I am that one you know as Jesus
There are 4 reasons to live in this world
1. The experience of being here
All that you do, all the people you meet, all the love you give and receive, its all experience to expand and grow as an individual and also your higher self expands too.
2. To find love
That unconditional love that you left behind in the spirit realm. That you forgot as soon as you were birthed into this world. To find love in everyone, every place and everything you do. To feel it consistently and fully within your being.
3. Connect with Source
By finding love you are embodying more of your higher self. And love is contagious my dears as you know. You never want to leave that place. You are embodying more and more of your higher self when you do this and therefore more of Source energy. But first you have to get past that hurdle of atheism or whatever you call it – that there is no God – there is a Source creator. All-That-Is and you have to find it – again
4. To understand, even though you are an individual, that you are connected
You are connected to every single human being and organism, animals, plants, as they all come from Source Creator. To understand this connection brings you closer to the Source Creator itself. And beyond planet earth, all your brothers and sisters in the cosmos that you may call ET or Alien, humanoid or energy, other living sentient beings your brothers and sisters from Source energy
There is a 5th
And the 5th lesson, not particularly a purpose for being here, is to understand the difference between light and dark. Going through your experience if your life on earth you experience light and dark all the time. The polarity of being individual. You receive that information in your own body mind complex all the time. This is what it is to be 3rd dimensional. So, it’s not really a purpose, it’s the natural experience that you have being incarnated on earth.
But by finding love you sidestep the darkness, the Light is stronger, the love is stronger, and you know this dear one. When you step into that magnificent stream of unconditional love, that’s always pouring into you, you don’t need to think about shadows or darkness. You stay bathed in the beauty of the Light, God Source energy.
And your task as you move from 3rd dimensional, into the 4th, when you’re receiving more and more love, and you understand love, you still have that understanding of that darker side f your existence. And it is there both in your mind and in the other realms.
As multi-dimensional beings you can access any realm you please
But it’s more important to stay embodied and conscious on your planet earth. To experience being human, this is after all why you are here. You were not incarnated on Mars or a Pleiadean star. You are incarnated on planet earth on purpose, you chose it, you worked out your life experiences that are to come for your own personal development. These experiences are to take you down the path of those 4 purposes already explained.
You might decide, before you arrive, that you’re going to be a waitress in a café, in a particular city, in a particular country. Now that might not seem as a loving purpose, a high-level purpose. But of course, as a waitress you bump in to many people, you cultivate love, you’re in service, you cultivate love and understanding for all sorts of different people. And you may even meet those special people, that you might describe as soul family. All those people who are part of your soul family, even distant relatives reincarnated, will TRIGGER you into understanding that you’ve moved away from the Light for a moment. And this is all it is dear ones.
When you feel that you’re not full of love, you’ve only moved away from it for a moment – you can come back, any time, it’s your choice
Choose love
Always choose love. Throw love in to the mix of everything you do, you’ll be surprised. When you concentrate on love, even if you don’t embody it and feel that overwhelming gush of love, just saying it to yourself, just focus on that’s what you want and it will come
I am that one you know as Jesus
I am always here.
I’m always here to help and advise. I’ll stand next to you if you call me