Your Soul's Messages are Coming to you ALL the Time
As we’ve mentioned before, there are a number of ways to connect with your guides and make choices
You are all receiving information from the higher realms all the time. You are just consciously not aware of it.
This is why we urge you to seriously follow your intuition – your desires, your ideas, your creative impulses, because these are very likely coming from your soul.
Use your discernment
Do you feel excitement in your body? do you instinctively know ‘yes that’s right!’, or is it a thought?
Your discernment is key here because often behind the thoughts there is something else at play – maybe one of your programmes or belief systems and money often plays a role in creating ideas, or lack of it (money) we should say.
So discern where your messages are coming from – your soul or your ego mind
And your ego mind is not always wrong. It is not the enemy, that has been said before many times. Your ego mind is precious. It helps you in a vast number of ways
Your messages are coming through you all the time
They are coming through you so often that you are not always conscious that they are arriving.
These messages have been coming to you all through your life as you’ve always been connected to us in the multi-dimensional realm. You have always been connected to your Divine self, what you call your Soul.
That connection never leaves you
And so when you travel through your life the messages are there but maybe not obvious, because you live with them every single day, every single moment
This is why it’s important to be mindful, to be sharp, to be in the Now consciousness, so that you can discern those little feelings in your body – the slightest, subtle feeling that will be coming from us.
How often have you said ‘something is telling me not to do that’ ? ‘Something is telling me not to go there’? This is us.. And whilst that may be some sort of guidance to keep you safe and secure – it will be a stronger message.
Some of you have received very strong messages indeed
This beloved one received a very very loud message in her head when she was preparing to take her life many years ago. And it obviously saved her. It was that voice that saved her and she chose to listen.
But many of your messages are so subtle - they are loving, they come with peace, and they’re calm so that they are sometimes very hard to notice.
And sometimes we have to send you bigger signs like coincidence and synchronicities - that are so fun and exciting for you to realise and then you have to decipher the message. Which we watch with great anticipation and glee to see if you can find the meaning.
These are similar to your dreams. There are metaphors and many meanings within your dreams. Your subconscious mind is absorbing all of this information but your conscious mind may not necessarily register what the meanings are.
You don’t need to be concerned about this. Lots of little messages are coming in to you all the time and they all build up – a little like your education when you learn more and more about a subject.
So just be gentle with yourself. There is no rush, it’s not a competition, everything in Divine timing.
There is no time like the present to listen to the message, feel it in your body, what’s coming into you from your soul, from us in the higher dimensions
We are ALL here. Messages from your guides and teachers come through your soul. There is a direct link to the Divine. Imagine a cord of golden light, imagine this is a never-ending connection.
Guides and teachers from this realm are helping you as an individual and also guiding me, Kirsty’s soul, and your soul too – so that we’re consistently learning, sending the human Kirsty messages so that the Divine purpose of being human in this time and place is recognised. Or at least the path is smoother and straighter.
It’s a journey, not a destination. The journey is far more important than the destination.
Because ultimately the destination is to come home, to be fully integrated into your soul once more.
So enjoy every moment of your journey. Be highly present in every moment with all the capacity of your human senses so that you can discern the messages coming in – maybe being specifically guided somewhere, or a creative idea that could not possibly have come from your mind, or an idea to do something.
We are also sending you messages around your relationships with many others, whether it’s a close friend, a partner, a teacher, a pupil - people you know, everyone.
We are all here together including all humans because we see your soul. And so there are some parts of your journey that involve other people, other individuals and you’ve agreed to help each other on your journeys. And so there are many many messages coming in to you to help others too.
I send you all God Love Light from the higher realms, this multi-dimensional realm that you’re all part of.
I am Kirsty’s higher soul
She still can’t find the name but it’s not important.