You are the Butterfly that Flaps its Wings Causing a Tsunami
Your thought processes are actually not yours. You believe that they are because you’re an individual - or so you believe.
But what’s happening in the infinite reality is that you’re all connected and you’re all collectively making decisions, and you are all cooperating with agreements to make something happen, to manifest.
If you can imagine that the infinite All is all of YOU, all your existences, all your souls, all together. with no visible matter and nothing between you, then you have an idea of what connection truly means.
As an individual here on earth it’s your experience to be separate from the collective All. But you’re not ever separated from the All - never
That All is inside of you, your consciousness is the All.
And whilst you believe you make your own decisions, you don’t entirely.
You can of course have a very narrow focus to believe that you only make your own decisions
But imagine…. If you acknowledge and understand that there are collective decisions being made, your only job is to maintain the integrity of the decision, the agreement, the contract. And this is about your energy
Where do you put your energy?
Every possible thought, whether you realise a thought or not, and some of those unthinkable ideas too, all exist.
The stream of consciousness from the All knows - everything
You do not have a unique thought, what is unique is the time and place etc of what you are experiencing when you have the thought as an individual.
If you imagine the All as a brain, every thought imaginable is already in existence and therefore you are just taping in to that ‘brain’.
And when the All, which is a place of unconditional love, has a powerful agreement, or a thought, as you can imagine it, to create a tsunami, it will be created
It’s about the energy that goes into it, both from you as an individual and as part of the All collective.
So where do you put your energy?
The energy that you give to a thought is a creative energy.
And the more power you put into the thought, the more energy you put into your way of thinking, creates it. Sometimes strongly, and more often weakly and so some things manifest and some things do not.
And it’s not outside of you, it’s all inside you.
If your thoughts are indeed about creating a destructive tsunami, and you put your energy behind it, the consciousness of the All receives that thoughts too and other individuals, if you will, can choose whether they put their energy behind it.
And they receive your thought because you ARE the All collective, and you are all and forever connected – giving and receiving constantly to the All.
Your creativity and imagination of manifesting is not an individual experience
To manifest is for the thought to have strength and the power of the collective All behind it. Today on earth there is much talk about moving to the 5th Dimension, anther dimensions, a place of love and peace, because more and more of you as individuals within the collective want that, and if you consider it as a magnetic thought, or a drop of water in the ocean where all the other molecules of water understand your desire – this is how things manifest and come into reality.
The more that you clear your unhelpful thoughts - that are not entirely your own - means that you can put more energy into the things you do want, including love, abundance, peace and joy in your life.
More and more earth beings are doing this now and so the conscious collective All is growing in that direction
There’s been talk - for beings to clear their mind and do their spiritual work and awaken – all that means is to understand the collective All and the power of manifesting that the collective has, and You have as part of it.
And when you realise that you’re a part of it, part of the agreements, decisions and contracts made by the All, then you do get what you want. And if you are not part of the All collective, as you believe, in your OWN individual decision making then some of the collective decisions, agreements you might not like.
And so dear ones, you have to be part of the All – that is to understand and embody what that means.
This is why it’s important to look at your thoughts and see what it is that you’re bringing into your reality. Many of your thoughts are unhelpful and your energy is spread very widely (on to them) and so your energy cannot focus on what you truly want
And so when you dis-spell and dis-solve the thoughts that you no longer need and be at peace, you can put your energy into more of what you want.
And this is all inside you
You have the creative force of trillions of other beings inside you.
You are not alone, you are never alone
Those of you reading this understand at your core what this means
I am that one you know as Jesus
I am part of the All collective, you all ARE. You have access to me all the times.
And call me specifically, of course, and I’ll be at your side.