Tap into Multiple Universes & Dimensions

This one got lost in the image of Proserpine. She remembers the time so well – standing in the gallery looking at the beauty of this painting Proserpine.

Before she knew it, she had completely lost time, she was so mesmerized something took her away, she floated off, and when she came back into her body, she had no idea how long she’s been standing there.

Now what had happened in this time my dears, is that she was transported to another dimension – the dimension of that time and place when this painting was constructed – yes it was constructed as a physical thing – but the energy of that painting was pure love.

The artist was completely in love with the model, the artist was in love with every stroke of his brush and the creativity flowing seamlessly through him.

So, in essence this one was transported by the energy of love, she tapped in to it. She was giving love to the painting and the love energy was speaking to her – it was a combination and it was a vibrational match - this is how she could be transported, completely lost in time.

To this day she still has no idea how long she was standing there. What she doesn’t remember is what happened when she went off into another time space reality.

Many of you have had such experiences – your day dreams go very deep, and time disappears, and you have no idea how long you’ve been sitting or standing in the same place.

Time disappears because time does not exist – you are only in the now.

Part of you travels off – now what is the part of you that travels off?

Well, in essence there is no part of you that travels off in your physical mind, body, spirit being – because you are all connected, every thing is connected, every experience is connected – you’re simply tapping in to another dimension of the now. You don’t actually go anywhere, because All-That-Is exists within you – you just tap in to another part of it, your consciousness moves into another dimension. And you may consciously or unconsciously have an experience.

You are taping in to the All-That-Is within you.

Every lifetime, that your soul has created to experience, an earth life or another life, has a universe of connections. Connections to the All-That-Is, connections to other souls, and it is a choice of each incarnation to connect. So, some of the lifetimes are very detailed indeed, complex by the guided choices that have been made, the connections, the experiences, the emotions, and the connection to the higher soul and Source.

Each experience is within itself a universe.

It’s difficult to wrap your human conscious mind around this concept – the universe is SO vast that it would take you eons to understand it in your linear time. And DON’T waste your time trying to do so. It’s more important to BE and acknowledge this as TRUTH – this is how it is.

Every experience that you have in this lifetime IS its own universe.

All those people you meet in this lifetime – they are their own universe, and their experiences are yet more universes, their thoughts are creating more universes, and a decision yet another. And when you commune with that individual you are communicating with multiple universes, with your own multiple universes

And so, this one, when she was looking (and feeling) the beautiful Proserpine, she was tapping in to the universe created by the painter Rossetti.

Nothing is static. It’s all energy. You can actually move in to any universe, any dimension, that you choose. You simply have to LET GO and know that this is TRUTH. And remove those blocks and filters that have been created - for example: the table is solid and it stands because it has 4 legs.

Everything is a universe, a table, the clothes you wear – and that’s another story for another time. The universe of each plant - it too goes back into generations. You can visit a beautiful oak tree and be transported back thousands of years into the history of its generations. Everything is possible.

Do not limit your mind to this one reality.

This is why it is important to look at those blocks and filters, beliefs and programmes running in your subconscious mind. Take every opportunity, when there’s a flash of inspiration, to clear something – do it immediately and you will grow exponentially from that one ‘letting go’

I am that one you call Jesus

I am at your side constantly, call me to help in every moment

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2020 - There's a Lot Going on!


Set your Affirmations High